The APINE group (AstroParticle, INtensity, Energy) focuses on the phenomenology of physics at the frontiers of high energy, high intensity, and astroparticle physics.
At the high-energy frontier, our group explores theoretical and phenomenological aspects of the Effective Standard Model (SM), the construction of theories beyond the SM addressing theoretical and observational challenges, and the implications of new physics at the LHC and potential future accelerators.
The high-intensity frontier involves precision studies at low energies in flavor physics experiments (both hadronic and leptonic) and their consequences for SM extensions, as well as the development of new physics models explaining the flavor structure of the SM.
Concerning the astroparticle physics frontier, our group focuses on models of dark matter and their experimental consequences, astrophysical and cosmological observables testing the presence of very light particles (such as neutrinos, axions, and dark photons), and the dynamics of possible phase transitions in the primordial Universe and their cosmological and astrophysical consequences (such as gravitational waves).
Structured staff:
- Aleksandr Azatov (SISSA)
- Marco Fabbrichesi (INFN)
- Emidio Gabrielli (U. Trieste)
- David Marzocca (responsabile) (INFN)
- Andrea Romanino (SISSA)