Home > Community > Research activities > Gruppo 3 > ALICE > Ricerca > Hardware > ALICE SSD > Detector Commissioning Noise Run Analysis - Part 3 Printable version General Information (9th September 2009)During this run the ZS threshold was set to 3.0σ.RUNTrigger SequenceTrigger ModeFrequencyEvents85073L2aBC5 KHz1063485074L2aBC50 Hz1017085072L2aBC500 Hz11505The reconstruction was performed with AliRoot v4-17-Release. The official OCDB files were used from AliEn. These files were produced from previous calibration runs.The analysis of the SSD clusters revealed that we have the following number of golden clusters over all the events for the two runs:RUNLayer 5Layer 685073445001287985074396238507238349OCDB FilesThe OCDB files that were used for the reconstruction of these noise runs come from the run number 85065.Results from the run 85074Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85072Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85073Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\General Information (10th septemper 2009)During this run the ZS threshold was set to 3.0σ.RUNTrigger SequenceTrigger ModeFrequencyEvents85343L2aBC5 KHz1134885339L2aBC50 Hz1012485342L2aBC500 Hz11191The reconstruction was performed with AliRoot v4-17-Release. The official OCDB files were used from AliEn. These files were produced from previous calibration runs.The analysis of the SSD clusters revealed that we have the following number of golden clusters over all the events for the two runs:RUNLayer 5Layer 685343459591297085339321198534234138OCDB filesThe OCDB files that were used for the reconstruction of these noise runs come from the run number 85337.Results from the run 85339Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85342Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85343Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode valuesGeneral Information (11th September 2009)During this run the ZS threshold was set to 3.0σ.RUNTrigger SequenceTrigger ModeFrequencyEvents85515L2aBC5 KHz1178985509L2aBC50 Hz1040185513L2aBC500 Hz11502The reconstruction was performed with AliRoot v4-17-Release. The official OCDB files were used from AliEn. These files were produced from previous calibration runs.The analysis of the SSD clusters revealed that we have the following number of golden clusters over all the events for the two runs:RUNLayer 5Layer 68551552633146878550936120885513361248OCDB filesThe OCDB files that were used for the reconstruction of these noise runs come from the run number 85496.Results from the run 85509Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85513Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85515Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode valuesGeneral Information (14th September 2009)During this run the ZS threshold was set to 3.0σ.RUNTrigger SequenceTrigger ModeFrequencyEvents85810L2aBC5 KHz1004985806L2aBC50 Hz1000585808L2aBC500 Hz10078The reconstruction was performed with AliRoot v4-17-Release. The official OCDB files were used from AliEn. These files were produced from previous calibration runs.The analysis of the SSD clusters revealed that we have the following number of golden clusters over all the events for the two runs:RUNLayer 5Layer 685810419301129085806346648580826939OCDB filesThe OCDB files that were used for the reconstruction of these noise runs come from the run number 85804.Results from the run 85806Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85808Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values\Results from the run 85810Number of clusters per module/number of events\Module ID\Cluster size\Map of common mode values