Offline Analysis
Raw Data Analysis
- The following macro ShowSSDRaw.C can be used to get some basic histograms by analyzing the SSD raw data. To visualize the results use this macro drawSSDRawQA.C.
- Pedestal analysis (29/05/08) by Enrico: Two calibration runs, 33190 and 33207, have been taken before and after a short (half an hour) standalone run. Pedestal have been calculated with the DA for both the calibration runs. The difference between the two pedestals has been plotted for each strip. Results are presented for ddl=513, slot=8. See here for results. The results were obtained with the following macro.
For any suggestions or problems, please contact Panos.
OCBD Objects
- To read the OCDB entries (noise - bad channels - gain calibration ) stored in AliEn use the following macro readOCDBEntry.C. To visualize the results use this macro: getNoiseGraphs.C.
- To read and visualize the DAQ DB bad channel list file, use the following macro: readDAQDBEntry.C.
- This macro allows us to compare the bad channel list file of the DAQ DB with the one that is sent to the AliEn OCDB by the shuttle: compareBadChannelMap.C.
- This macro allows us to visualize the bad channels of one single module: drawChannelMap.C.
- This is the visualization of the bad channels list as prepared by Enrico and Massimo. The upper plots show the percentage of bad p-side strips for layer 5 and 6, whereas the two lower ones show the corresponding percentage of the n-side strips for each module.
For this reference list we have 2.02% of bad p-Side and 2.20% of bad n-Side strips.
- This is the visualization of the gain calibration parameters that are put in the OCDB. It was decided to have a value of 0.862 for the p-Side and 1.168 for the n-Side channels. This was done after the analysis of test data performed in Utrecht.
The macro used to reconstruct the cosmic data can be found here: rec.C
You can use this file to reconstruct AliEn data using AliEn OCDB files (normal way) or you can copy the files (raw data + OCDB) to your local machine and access them from there. If the latter is selected (though it's not advised) you have to make sure that you get the proper noise and bad channel list files.
Analysis of Clusters and ESDs
- The following macro ShowSSDRecPoints.C can be used to get some basic histograms by analyzing the SSD clusters. The majority of them are already part of the official offline SSD QA.
- GRID analysis of clusters - Provided by Marek
- The JDL file that should be put in your AliEn working directory.
- The executable that should be put in your $HOME/bin directory in AliEn.
- The xml collection, which is a collection of galice files - this is just an example.
- The macro to read the RecPoints.root files and loops over the clusters.
- These are some snapshots produced by the offline visualization framework of the first combined SPD+SSD tracks. The run taken on the 4th of June 2008 with the SPD FastOr lasted for ~8 hours (run number 34784). For the reconstruction of these data, we used v4-13-Release and the official AliEn OCDB entries.
Cosmic Runs