Total of ~2.6 million of channels
- ~90% of the channels are active in the DAQ.
- 6 half-ladders switched off due to electrical problems (~4.2% of the total channels)
- Few modules manually masked due to noisy areas.
- Detector Algorithm (DA) runs online to detect noisy channels
- Average p-side noise ~ 2.4 ADC ch
- Average n-side noise < 3.5 ADC ch
- Stable noise vs time
- More bad channels on layer 6 than on layer 5 (Mainly originating from SINTEF modules that exhibit a noise level above the average one)
- Bad Channels vs Time (Two examples: pp run period, PbPb run period)
- Average Noise vs Time (Two examples: pp run period, PbPb run period)
Proton-Proton run
Lead-Lead run