Course program, A.Y. 2014-15

Lesson Date Topics Linked slides and useful links
1 March 6th, 2015 introduction to biophysics.  Diffusion processes. Short introduction to cell biology from NIGMS
2 March 13th, 2015
Diffusion processes (ctd.). Discussion of the optimization of cell receptors from diffusion and the electrostatic analogy. Further features of diffusion processes. Reaction-diffusion equations and their applications to morphogenesis.
  • Slides
  • Movies of a complex reaction-diffusion system, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction (1, 2)
3 March 20th, 2015
The physics of water. Hydrogen bonds. Ice. Residual entropy of ice. Proton conduction in water, and the Grotthuss mechanism. Proton currents in action: the bacteriorhodopsin-ATP Synthase mechanism for bacterial photosynthesis.
4 March 31th, 2015
Introduction to crystallography and its applications to the structural problems of biology.
5 April 17th, 2015 X-ray crystallography and the discovery of the structure of DNA.
6 April 20th, 2015 More on the structure of DNA. The statistical mechanics of DNA. DNA melting.
April 22nd, 2015
DNA melting, helix-to-coil transition.The structure of proteins. Aminoacids. Peptide bonds. Classification of protein structures.
April 24th, 2015
Experimental demostration: DNA extraction from plant cells. Protein structure. The protein folding problem and Levinthal's paradox. Homopolymers and the Flory-Huggins theory. 
9 April 27th, 2015
Homopolymers and the Flory-Huggins theory (ctd.). Hydrophobic interactions. Protein folding as a computational problem.
The genetic code. The Delbrück-Luria experiment. 
10 May 11th, 2015 The mechanisms of code translation and protein building.
Numerical estimates. Mutation rates.
11 May 15nd, 2015 The hallmarks of cancer. The Nordling and the Armitage-Doll models of carcinogenesis. A simple mathematical model of the age dependence of colorectal cancer. Peto's paradox.
Introduction to radiobiology.
12 May 18th 2015 Basics of radiobiology. Stopping Power and Linear Energy Transfer (LET). Dose. Radiolysis of water and the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Oxidative stress. Biological effects of radiation. Survival curves: the linear-quadratic model; the target model. Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE), Oxygen effect, and other effects that affect the shape of the survival curve.
13 May 22nd
Enzymes. Refresher of chemical thermodynamics. Chemical kinetics. Transition-state Theory (TST). Enzyme action in the context of TST. The Michaelis-Menten equation. The physics of enzymes.
The shape of viruses. The Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). Bacteriophage phi X 174. Thermodynamics of viral self-assembly.
May 29th
Seminar on computational topics in cellular biophysics by Dr. S. Stella

(gray text means "preliminary program, may change")