SVTVME pacakge maintenance

basic rules:

how to make changes in CVS repository

  1. get a kerberos ticket and log on b0dapxx
  2. create a work directory: e.g. mkdir ~/work
  3. setup cvs -q online
  4. cd ~/work
  5. cvs checkout svtvme
  6. cd svtvme
  7. look at setup_local scriprt in this directory, it has the command:
    setup svtvme -r ${PWD} -M ups -m svtvme.table
    you must execute this command so the svtvme logicals point to this new work area, rather then to the real package directory on the online code disk. Then:
  8. cd svtvme/src
  9. gmake
    this makes local copies of libraries. If you want to test local copied of VxWorks libraries as well, you need to re-issue the previous setup command (from svtme directory, not svtvme/src !) with qualifier -qppc and then -q68k. And re-run gmake (in svtvme/src) each time. Also you need to log b0dau30 machine and run gmake to make Irix library. I recommend to test Irix compiler when making big changes, it has different pickyness then gcc or $VXCC that helps getting code straight.
  10. cd svtvme/src
  11. edit/change/test/.... source code
  12. similarly on header files in svtvme/include etc/.
  13. when done: cvs commit -m"comment" file_name for each file you changed, or commit -m"comment" with no file name if same comment applies to all changed files

how to make changes in development version of the package
(development version is just the head of the repository)

How to make a new frozen version of the package (or new release),
for example v5_18, i.e. something users will access with: setup svtvme v5_18

  1. test first as development as above
  2. when happy with head of repository status tag it in cvs from your individual account with
  3. log in b0dap30 and ksu cdf_svt
  4. setup cvs -q online
  5. setup svtvme -d (or any other version)
  6. cd $SVTVME_DIR
  7. cd ..
  8. mkdir v5_18
  9. cd v5_18
  10. cvs checkout -r v5_18 svtvme
  11. mv svtvme/* .
  12. rmdir svtvme
  13. now must declare this to ups so setup can work:
    1. ups declare -f NULL -r ${PWD} -m svtvme.table -z /cdf/code-common/cdfonline/upsii_database svtvme v5_18
    2. ups declare -f NULL -q ppc -r ${PWD} -m svtvme.table -z /cdf/code-common/cdfonline/upsii_database svtvme v5_18
    3. ups declare -f NULL -q 68k -r ${PWD} -m svtvme.table -z /cdf/code-common/cdfonline/upsii_database svtvme v5_18
  14. setup svtvme v5_18
  15. gmake
  16. then re-execute setup and run gmake for all flavors as before, logging on the needed operating systems

Stefano Belforte
Last modified: Thu Nov 21 22:29:04 CET 2002