\documentstyle[12pt,a4]{article} \begin{document} %\pagestyle{empty} %\vskip \baselineskip {\bf SVTVME status report 12 Dec 2000} \begin{itemize} \item work program until March 1 \item not all the work, will update \item need to keep time for other jobs as well \begin{itemize} \item HitBuffer n.1 \item HB documentation (AMS as well ?) \item upgrade/adapt/develop test code for HB + ... \item all the stuff that is not in the list \item scattered help on hw/sw \item computing for italian analysis \item security \item ... \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \newpage {\bf SVTVME 1: before 2001} \begin{itemize} \item import local version in Trieste (Pisa ?) \item start to integrate lookup tables: AMS \begin{itemize} \item generate ucode as a functions \item function for AMS data-sink mode \item store ucode version and parameters in the RAM itslef\\ as few spurious states. \item simple function to ena/disa hold and road-limit \end{itemize} \item this kind of code is common to offline. \begin{itemize} \item Where do we keep it ? \item General issue for svt\_config area. \item ad hoc workshop with Bill,Giovanni,Alex ? \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \begin{itemize} \item better make procedure \begin{itemize} \item separate Thomas' stuff \item .a in place of .o \item still .o for VxWorks ? \item handle dependancies (avoid make clean) ? \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \newpage {\bf SVTVME 2: january 2001} \begin{itemize} \item documentation \begin{itemize} \item usable web page by Jan 15 \item continous project afterwards \end{itemize} \item complete access controls \begin{itemize} \item error messages, verbosity level \item protected/locked boards \end{itemize} \item XTF \begin{itemize} \item add XTF-A. Not trivial. $>64$-bits words. \item define send-data-out operation for XTF-A \item add XTF-C (if any) \end{itemize} \item flash RAM's (need function from UKY/BA/SC) \begin{itemize} \item add methods if any (will slip as needed) \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \newpage {\bf SVTVME 3: february 2001} \begin{itemize} \item smooth code \begin{itemize} \item better handle of some global variables \item clean-up, simplify HF/TF calls \item more macros, less lines \item TF/HF has some different methods for cold start \item integrate Bill's VME access by many words, blocks etc. \item better define needed elementary steps, and improve usage of common low level step \item \end{itemize} \item cpu boot \begin{itemize} \item boot customisation by crate of initial values \item need to put startup scripts out of cdf\_svt \item not my task (in principle) \item nobody's task (in principle) like fixing b0svt07.... \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{document}