PC INFN a Fermilab

List of INFN-owned desktop PC's in Fermilab CDF trailers. All PC's run Linux unless otherwise noted.
The Linux PC's are all managed by the CDF Task Force and are part of the INFN netgroup on the b0tr_linux NIS domani. All INFN phsyicists should be able to log into any of these PC's using their kerberos principal.
For any problem with access/usage of this PCs, send e-mail to the CDF Task Force(cdfsys@fnallgov) with CC to me.
Usage of local disk areas is controlled by the machine owner. Sharing of unused CPU for interactive and/or batch work (please use renice) is allowed and encouraged, but remember that this remote work must not reduce performance for the desktop user. Highestpriority is always the person sitting at the console.
Windows PC's are managed by Rich Krull and all INFN physicists with an account on CDF W2K domain should be able to use them.

SezioneN. Nodo LocationCPU - GHz MB GB Anno Note
Bologna1nbol01 137-AP4 - 1.8 512 802002
Bologna2nbol02 137-A P4 - 1.8 512 802001
LNF 1nfras01 145-? P4 - 2.4 512 702002
LNF 2nfras02 145-? P4 - 2.4 512 702002
Padova 1npad01 164-? P3 - 0.9 512 362001
Padova 2npad02 164-? P3 - 0.9 512 362001
Padova 3npad03 164-? AMD - 1.3 512 302001
Padova 4npad04 164-J AMD - 1.3 512 852001
Padova 5npad05 164-? 2 *AMD - 1.72GB3002002
Padova 6npad06 164-? 2 *AMD - 1.72GB3002003
Pisa 1ncass02167-C P3 - 0.8 256 102001
Pisa 2npisa01169-C P3 - 0.6 256 102000W2K
Pisa 3npisa02167-C P3 - 0.6 256 102000W2K
Pisa 4npisa03169-C P3 - 0.6 5121002000
Pisa 5npisa04169-B P3 - 0.6 5121002000
Pisa 6npisa05166-L P3 - 0.6 256 102000W2K
Pisa 7npisa09169-B P3 - 0.8 5121002001
Pisa 8npisa1185-G P3 - 0.8 5121002001
Pisa 9npisa1285-G P3 - 0.8 5121002001
Pisa 10npisa15327-D03-101 P4 - 1.7 7523002002
Pisa 11npisa1685-G2 *AMD - 1.7 2GB3002003
Roma 1nroma1 85-D P3 - 0.5 128 202001 W2K
Roma 2nroma2 Roma cubicle P3 - 0.7 256 152001
Roma 3nroma3 85-D P3 - 0.7 256 152001
Roma 4nroma4 Roma cubicle P3 - 0.8 256 202001
Roma 4nroma6 ? 2*P3 - 0.7 5123002000
Roma 5nroma7 85-D P4 - 2.2 5121202002
Roma 6nroma8 Roma cubicle2 * AMD - 1.72GB3002002
Roma 7nroma9 85-DP4 - 2.75121002003
Udine 1ncdf103169-O P3 - 0.8 128 202001
Udine 2ncdf135169-O P4 - 1.8 1GB1402002
Trieste1ncdf29 169-N P2 - 0.4 3841201999
Trieste2nts01 169-N P4 - 3.06 5122402003
N.B.: Location in the form Number-Letter indicate offices in the old trailers, see map. Cubicles are in the new building: Roma in the near half, by the South wall; Dubna in the far half, by the South wall (n.b. West is the direction toward the HighRise and the CDF building, South is toward the accelerator ring).
Last udate 20 Jan 2003